The Tax Institute Blog

We’re thinking differently about tax education

Written by The Tax Institute | Dec 5, 2018 1:00:00 AM
Workplaces and the way we engage with the world around us is changing. Many tax professionals are not tied to a desk and are working with clients on site, providing advice, travelling and working remotely. When is there time to sit down and spend two hours per day studying? For many of us, the answer will be not very often.
Helping tax professionals keep pace with rapid change
To support busy tax professionals to keep pace with the ever-changing tax landscape, The Tax Institute has transformed the way it educates.
Advancing your career as a tax professional requires dedication and time. We recognise that you should have a learning experience that supports your preferred learning style, allowing you to access resources anywhere at any time, that is familiar, convenient and can fit naturally into your daily routine.
This new initiative advances our education offering into short, concise learning activity that can be accessed quickly and easily, allowing you to disseminate information rapidly. Each module is clearly defined to focus on a single topic that supports the way the brain learns and how we transfer newly learnt information to long-term memory.
We won’t let you forget learning tax law
It’s commonly known that after a period of time we start to forget explicitly what was stated in text. And without any form of review, the information will be lost from memory. But that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to learn from the outset.
Our modernised education technique has been applied to all subjects to produce webinars that are delivered in short 10-15-minute sessions. Manageable pieces for you to absorb on an ongoing basis, coupled with live Q&A sessions with a subject matter expert, checkpoint quizzes and additional resources to reinforce the learning.

Each module focuses on a key concept, how the law is applied in practice supported by case studies, readings and practical activities all accessible in the one place;  The Tax Institute’s learning portal The learning portal allows all content and learning activities to be accessed on any mobile device and only takes a short amount of time to complete.

All learning resources and webinars will be available from your first day of study. You are in control of your learning pathway and can view any webinar in any order as often as you like during the study period. The recorded, short webinars for each unit align topics for ease of navigation and contain detailed learning outcomes to ensure you successfully acquire the knowledge, apply the knowledge, and analyse the concept that leads to greater retention and understanding.
You will have opportunities to apply the concepts to scenarios to build depth of knowledge and provide you with an opportunity to challenge your learning and develop extended thinking with the support of the tax specialist and your peers. If you can accurately, concisely and with rigour apply the learned concepts to practice you will be at the top of your game with sought-after skills.
Achieving your professional goals
In the age of smartphones, learners want to access information that is short and to the point. The way we deliver our content aligns with today’s attention spans and engages learners more fully. This leads to increased learner efficiency and retention rate over a traditional learning approach. When you have more control over how, when and what you learn it empowers you to take responsibility for your learning capability and helps boost your confidence in practice.

Find out more about our education program on our website. Enrol into Study Period 2 now to take advantage of the $100 early bird discount.