The Tax Institute Blog

Speaker Profile: Tax and Financial Reporting

Written by The Tax Institute | Dec 19, 2013 1:00:00 AM

In the latest speaker profile in our series, we sit down with Jason de Boer, FTI from Deloitte who is presenting the Tax and Financial Reporting session at the upcoming 29th National Convention in Hobart.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Jason de Boer and I am an Account Director with Deloitte Tax Services. I have been at Deloitte for just over 13 years specialising in corporate income taxation (with a specific specialisation in IFRS and tax effect accounting).

How long have you been affiliated with The Tax Institute?

I have only become affiliated with The Tax Institute relatively recently (in a formal sense) but have been a regular reader of Taxation in Australia over the course of my career.

What does National Convention mean to you, and more broadly, to the tax industry?

The National Convention to me is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge, and to hear from some of the leading experts in the industry. Building relationships with peers through networking is also a critical part of the convention.

What is the topic that you are presenting at the 29th National Convention?

I am presenting on Tax and Financial Reporting at the Convention.

What can attendees expect to learn from your session?

Attendees can expect to get a basic understanding of tax effect accounting requirements as well as some insights into areas of contention and debate in the tax effect accounting space. I also plan on exploring the "barrier" that can exist (at an organisational level) in respect of understanding and responding to tax effect accounting challenges.

What new or hot topics will you cover?

The proposed change to introduce accounting for "uncertain tax positions" is something that every organisation needs to be aware of and will need to respond to. While Australia has been quarantined from the change (so far), I think the learning's from the US experience make for interesting analysis and discussion.

How will attending your session help delegates help their clients?

Understanding the impact that tax (and tax decisions) can have on a set of financial statements is an important skill. After attending my session, delegates will hopefully feel more confident engaging in discussions with their clients about how tax decisions, impacts etc. will impact those financial statements.

Which other sessions at the conference are you most interested in attending?

I am looking forward to attending Andrew Sinclair’s session on Restructuring and specifically hearing his insights about the application of the new Part IVA rules on those restructures. Simon Steward’s session on the deductibility of interest will also be fascinating.

What do you like to do when you’re not knee-deep in tax?

Outside of the demands of the tax world, I enjoy spending time with my family (wife and three children) and playing golf. I am also a mad Demons supporter which has arguably provided more stress over the past few years than my work life!

You’re invited to join us in Hobart for the 29th National Convention 26-28 March 2014. The Tax Institute’s National Convention is widely recognised as the essential annual event for tax professionals.

Find out more about the conference and register now.