The Tax Institute Blog

National Convention Speaker Profile: Bob Deutsch, CTA

Written by The Tax Institute | Feb 6, 2013 1:00:00 AM

Professor Bob Deutsch, CTA, is presenting the International Tax Hot Topics session at the 28th National Convention.

Bob discusses what the National Convention means to him, and
more broadly the tax industry, as well information on the
International Tax Hot Topics session he will be presenting.

How long have you been affiliated with The Tax Institute?

I’ve been involved in the tax profession for well over 30 years, and for most of that time I’ve been affiliated with The Tax Institute in one way or another. I’ve been a presenter for The Tax Institute in many different fora, and I’ve written for the Tax Institute both for The Tax Specialist and the Taxation in Australia journal. So it’s been a many and varied affiliation and one which I have very much enjoyed.

What does National Convention mean to you, and more broadly, the tax industry?

Without any doubt The Tax Institute National Convention is the leading professional conference that is held annually for tax professionals. As a result, it means a great deal to most of the profession in the sense that that they can come along as presenters, or more commonly as participants in the various fora that are available the National Convention.

So it’s a very important event and usually canvasses very important tax issues across a broad range of different tax areas. It’s central to the way the tax profession operates, and the way that tax professionals interrelate with one another.

What topic are you presenting at National Convention?

The formal title is International Tax Hot Topics, which is a fairly general title, but it will cover all the main areas of international tax that are currently under the microscope. Probable the most important one I will cover will be transfer pricing which has had a lot of action and some new proposed legislation, so probable half the session will be dedicated to the transfer pricing new provisions and some of the cases and then I’ll stray into other areas of international tax. For example the way in which international tax operates in regards to capital gains which has become quite an important issue as well.

What other sessions at the convention are you most interested in attending?

There are so many different areas that are being touched upon during the sessions, but I guess the two that stand out for me are SME International Expansions, which obviously to someone interested in international tax would be one area that I would want to know a lot more about and that looks like quite an interesting session.

The other area that I’m particularly interested in is Goods and Services Tax, and there is a special session dedicated to Goods and Services Tax concerning exemption, so I have a particular interest in attending those two sessions and there are probable others that if I look at them in more detail I would probable interested in attending as well. And of course there lots of social functions, including the dinner which I will be attending.

What do you like to do when you are not knee deep in tax?

I guess my main hobby is my garden. I have a rather large garden and I spend probably half to two-thirds of the weekend in there fossicking around trying to make this grow, which for someone with a tax background is not always that easy to do. So gardening is a big thing for me, but also reading lots of history which I find particularly interesting and spend a lot of time doing that as well.

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